Average net monthly salary in Macedonia is
10% earn less lthan 31K MKD
10% earns more than 107K MKD
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Displayed value presents the average salary in Macedonia. Salary amount is influenced by bonuses and other financial benefits.

Description of job position

  • Ensuring the smooth running of the department within the company.
  • Managing, coordinating, motivating and evaluating subordinate staff.
  • Training of new recruits.
  • Finding and proposing trainings and courses for subordinate employees.
  • Checking the attendance of subordinate employees.
  • Solving non-standard situations at the workplace.
  • Participation in the selection and dismissal of employees.
  • Preparing weekly and monthly reports.

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The most common career path of an employee

The graphic shows how employees most often progress in their careers. Click on the name of the position to get to its detail with salary data.

Position: Department Manager - Banking

The job position is
in the salary ranking on

Women representation in position

Average age of respondent in position

742. place

Postal Delivery Worker


Salary group 1

22,567 - 45,107 MKD

101. place

C Programmer

Information Technology

Salary group 2

29,259 - 102,684 MKD

100. place

Department Manager


Salary group 2

31,111 - 107,362 MKD

99. place

Web Designer

Information Technology

Salary group 2

28,305 - 100,864 MKD

1. place

IT Architect

Information Technology

Salary group 3

32,300 - 331,622 MKD

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Complex analysis
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Salary report for companies

7,257.00 MKD*

* incl. VAT / 6,150.00 MKD excl. VAT

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Sample of the report →

  • Salary on position by region, education, working experience, company size and age
  • Total salary and its components (variable component, commissions, rewards)
  • Responder distribution to payroll
  • Salary ranges expressed by 1st decile, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, 9th decile, and average wage
  • Detailed breakdown of all monitored non-financial benefits provided
  • Financial Benefit Analysis